Friday, March 12, 2010

Apple/Mac Generation Gap

Last night I went to the Apple store to attend a workshop about how to use my new Macbook. On the way there I called my dad. Conversation was as follows:

Me: I'm going to the Apple store for that Mac class.
Dad: What?
Me: I'm going to the Apple store to take a Mac class.
Dad: I hope it turns out!
Me: What?
Dad: (Uncontrollable laughter.)

Turns out my dad thought I was going to the mall to take a cooking class, resulting in some sort of apple-related confection i.e. an apple pie or candy apple. Hence his well-wishes. But by mid-conversation he realized what I was actually talking about, and thought it hysterical. I did too.

Because would think that an apple/mac conversation should pertain to fruit. Stranger things have happened.

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