Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Poverty

In other news, because I haven't been grocery shopping in about 2 months, I never picked up any candy for Halloween. Not that I imagine a deluge of trick-or-treaters will be flooding my apartment building, which looks like we've gone all out to make it look haunted for the big day (but in actuality, it's just sporting it's usual disrepair, which would get a creepy-quality-control score of 10 every other day of the year as well). The brave hoodlums who do stop by will hit the jackpot in return for their stair-climbing efforts, to the tune of their choice of 6 flavors (9 boxes) of Pop Tarts.

Thank you, Mom, for sending me off with a box of Pop Tarts every time I come home, therefore stocking my shelves for breakfast for the next year or so, and providing a make-shift holiday give-away.

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